Collings Real Estate, Edit

Smart Home Technology: Yay or Nay

May 16, 2022

Smart home technology

It’s become quite a trend these days for smart home technology to become a part of households. Some even upgrade their homes before putting it up for sale because automating them adds significant value to the property.

While there are so many advantages to smart home technology, there are also some things that need to be considered and given a closer look before we decide to make our homes smart.

We compiled a list of the advantages and disadvantages of smart home technology.



The biggest advantage of having a smart home is the interconnectivity; you can access everything at the touch of a button from your smartphone or tablet. From the lights and blinds, the room temperature, and the thermostat; from the TV to locking the doors, playing background music, or checking on the surveillance footage of your home, everything can be accessed with just one click.

Remote monitoring

One of our concerns whenever we leave the house is the safety and security of our property. There will always be this constant worry that we may have left something running or forgotten to turn something off. Smart home technology allows for remote monitoring so you can check your home for your peace of mind anytime you feel like it.

This feature is also more important if you travel often either for work or leisure so you can see your house whenever you want.


While there are some set templates to start you off on your journey towards a smart home, there are a variety of options to customise it according to your needs and preferences. You can set the temperature according to what you’re feeling at the moment; you can adjust the blinds; you can pick a song on your playlist; or even dim the lights.

Increased home value

As mentioned, adding smart home technology to your property increases its value because more and more people prefer to have this kind of setup for their future homes instead of installing it themselves which would maybe cost them more. Buying or renting a property with readily installed smart home technology.

Related: 6 Ways to Add Value to Your Home


Despite the world slowly adjusting to the Covid19 virus in our midst, there are still people we care about that we want to keep tabs on. For our peace of mind and mental health, smart home technology gives us the means to monitor them in their homes without having to hover too much or being intrusive.

It could be your elderly parents or a sick relative or friend that has no one at the moment but you to count on. Smart home technologies bridge the distance between you and the people you care about.

Energy management

Because you can control the lights, electricity, and temperature and use them only when you need them, you save a lot on costs that result in lower energy bills.

Motion detection

One of the perks of having a smart home is that it has motion sensors. The air conditioner would turn itself on only if it senses human presence in the room. Same goes for the lights or other automated aspects of your home. No need for you to rely on switches all the time, or remote controls.

Leak detection and flood sensors

It gives us a sense of comfort when we could prevent home accidents from happening. Leak detection and flood sensors are important especially if you live in an area that’s frequently flooded. If your home is also a bit dated, it helps that you have these sensors to keep you aware if there are parts of your house that need to be reinforced or improved.



Technology is always very costly. Setting up the system that will power your home’s smart technology won’t come cheap. It also needs to be powered by the internet so you need to possibly upgrade to a faster subscription. There are also houses that aren’t suitable for a smart home technology setup. If you want one, you might need to improve or reinforce some parts of your house to make room for this particular upgrade.

A reliable internet connection is crucial

As smart means automation, not only does it require electricity but also an internet connection. In cases where both are down, so is your system. You can even be locked out of your own home.

Helplessness if technology fails

Once everything has become automated in your home, once everything is programmed to your preferences, there will be a certain level of dependency developed that when times that it doesn’t work, there is a chance for you to feel helpless.

Initial learning efforts are necessary

You will need to allot time to learn how to navigate your home system and personalise it. It will require you to register your details, scan your finger, connect it with your email and set up some passcodes. If technology isn’t an area of interest for you, all the more that you would need to put it in your schedule, to learn how to work your smart home technology.

Compatibility problems between devices

Not many people are aware that there are compatibility requirements for devices to work seamlessly. Not because you have a smartphone or a tablet, or even a laptop, and a reliable internet connection means you can install a smart home technology system in them.

If you notice on your personal devices, there is a constant need for you to update your system and the mobile applications; this is because all of our systems and devices in our gadgets undergo constant updates from developers. If your gadget is an older model, chances are the apps needed to work your smart home technology system will not be compatible with it.

Privacy concerns

Just like anything that can be done over the internet, smart home technology systems are also prone to privacy issues. To address this, make sure that you deal with professionals. Check the testimony of their clients, take time to do research and then meet them to get a feel of things. At least, you’ll be making an informed decision once you do.

Consider these pros and cons before you outfit your property with smart home technology.

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