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The Ultimate Moving House Checklist

August 1, 2022

The Ultimate Moving House Checklist

There are so many things to consider before we move into a new home. We all must be prepared emotionally, mentally, financially, and physically before the big moving day. It is one of the biggest causes of stress and we are bound to do it more than once in our entire lives.

To make things easier, there should be a checklist before moving into new home. This checklist would include things you need to do, people you need to contact, suppliers you need to hire, and any other preparations that you have to do before the big move.

This way, you also won’t forget to do things. So, to make the move easier, we have compiled the ultimate moving house checklist.

Start getting quotes from removalists

One of the suppliers that could help us with a big move are removalists. Make sure that you choose ones that not only give you a fair price but also those who have great reviews. You are entrusting stuff you’ve saved up for years to these people and even if it’s just for a short amount of time, make sure you choose a trusted company.

Consider reading reviews and then once you’ve chosen a removalist, ask them for a quotation for your move. Prioritise those with competitive but reasonable rates.

Sort and declutter

When moving out of a home, there is one activity that we consider a requirement for all of those who are planning this life milestone:

Sort your stuff in four piles: those that you would like to dispose or throw away; those that you would want to sell; those that you would want to give away to friends or family; and those that you would want to take with you on your move.

For the things you want to dispose of, make sure that they are properly stowed away for the trucks to collect. For those that you want to sell, you can hold a clearance sale at your home. For those that you want to give away to friends or family, you can set up a day to do this and organize a small gathering for it that could also serve as your moving out celebration. For those that you would like to take with you to the house that you’re moving into, make sure that they are sorted into the rooms in which they would go.

This way, when you start packing, you can make sure that everything you need is already on its way to your new home. 

Utilities in the new place

You don’t want to come home to a new house that’s dark, hot (or cold depending on what season you plan to move in), and uncomfortable. Contacting utility companies to start preparing your house before you arrive is not only advisable but also very practical.

Better to have a comfortable space to rest in before all the chaos of unpacking starts.


Of course, packing is essential when moving into a new home.

Organise the furniture and other things in a way that they can be unpacked first once you arrive at the new place. Sort them into rooms and label them so you won’t have to check each box or container for the contents every time you need to look for something.

Deep clean

In preparation for the new homeowners or for selling by your trusted professional real estate agents, do a deep clean. We don’t mean the usual sweeping of the floor and wiping off the windows; we mean scrubbing the walls, sanitizing the place, and making sure it looks and smells good.

Imagine how you would want to feel in your new home and do it to the one you’re leaving behind for others to occupy.

Time to move

The most awaited part is the moving, so make sure everything is in order before you close that door for one last time. 

Make sure that you have returned all that stuff you borrowed in libraries and other similar establishments. Pay any outstanding bills that you have and leave a forwarding address so that in case there are still mails that go to your previous home, it will  still make its way to your new address. Water your plants, take out the trash, and of course, say your farewells to the neighbors.

Now, it’s time to head to your new home.


Thinking of starting a new life in a different suburb? Collings Real Estate is one of the highest-rated real estate agency in Victoria. Discuss your requirements to us and let us help you find your new home.

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