Collings Real Estate, Edit

Curtains, Blinds and Rods Safety

November 6, 2022

Curtain, blinds, and rods safety

Landlords have the responsibility to keep the property a safe place to live in. The landlord may be sued for negligence in cases of death and injury due to failure of carrying out this responsibility. However, once tenants occupy the space and have customised the space to their liking, they immediately share this responsibility with the landlords. Since they occupy the property, they are responsible for avoiding hazards caused by their actions. 

Sometimes, it’s the inconspicuous things that may pose hazards such as curtains, blinds, and rods. This is especially true when you are living with pets and children. 

Rental Minimum Standards Involving Curtains and Rods

For rooms that are likely to be used as bedrooms or living areas, landlords must provide curtains or blinds that can be closed, block light and provide privacy. Consumer Affairs Victoria has a list of minimum standards for this. To ensure the safety of everyone, they are also providing free curtain and blind cord safety kits that you can use for your property.

Curtains, Blinds and Rods Safety

Below are some guidelines that tenants and landlords could follow to prevent accidents involving curtains and rods.

Make sure that cords and loops are at the right height.

Make sure that cords and loops are at the right height.

Avoid floor-length curtains and blinds which children and pets can play with. Make sure that your curtains are long enough for you to reach but short enough for your children and pets to play with.

Check the placement of your furniture.

Check the placement of your furniture.

Place tables, chairs, and other furniture that pets and children can sit in, stand, or climb on to away from the window.

Make sure that the blind and curtain rods are functioning properly

Make sure that the blind and curtain rods are functioning properly

Check for loose or looped cords that could possibly pose a risk to the young ones. If they are functioning properly, make sure to secure them when not used.

Keep curtains away from flammable items

Keep curtains away from flammable items

Keep them away from candles, stoves or anything that could ignite a fire.

Renters and owners have the shared responsibility of ensuring the risk inside a property is minimised. Concerns should be raised and addressed as soon as possible. 

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